Hi there!

Check out the featured pages in this section to learn a little more about me, if you'd like.

Featured in "About"

Meet the Welcoming Committee!

My dog is very friendly and welcoming in real life, so it only seemed right for her to welcome y'all to my site, too!

The Head Greeter, Juniper!

A small, black-and-brown spaniel sitting on a chair and blepping. Name: Juniper
Age: 5
Breed: Spaniel

Maxed Stats

    Cuddliness: 100%

    Playfulness: !00%

    Small Objects Eaten:

Hi, humans!

I'm a silly runt who likes to chew things and play fetch! What's the internet?

Fun Facts

  • Enjoys running, snuggling, and playing fetch
  • Always eats things off the floor
  • A Professional Nuisance™

The Assistant Greeter

Murphy is the mini golden doodle living with my dad and stepmom. He's a bit more serious than Juniper, but he'd still love to welcome you, I'm sure. That is, if he ever finds out what the internet is.

And me too, I guess...

But I'm a lot more boring than my dogs are, trust me. If you really want, you can learn more about me on the FAQ page.